Lion-I recorded and produced three Reggae albums: “The Chant”, “New Root Race”, and “432Hz Reggae Music.” He released first singles in 2007 and full albums in 2011 and 2013. Lion-I is probably the first artist in Hawaii to release a 432 Hz Reggae music album.
Discography starting with the most recent releases. Available on all major music sites.
Lion I – Lion (432 Hz) – single (2019)
Available on Google Play / Spotify / Amazon / Apple Music / Tidal and others
Lion I – Conversion (432 Ultimatum Dub Remix) – single (2019)
Available on Google Play / Spotify / Amazon / Apple Music / Tidal and others
Available on Google Play / Spotify / Amazon / Apple Music / Tidal and others
Lion-I “432hz Reggae Music” (3rd album)
Available on Google Play / Spotify / Amazon / Tidal and others
Lion-I “New Root Race” (2nd album)
Lion-I “The Chant” (debut album)